Mapinfo Tools Site See

This tool allows the user to select a location on the map and retrieve Pictometry imagery for that site. Tools for interacting with the imagery include zoom, distance, height, and elevation. See your location of interest from different viewpoints (north, south, east, west, overhead). Some of these site do hold some pretty old tools but many of these will still work. You can also find some other discussion forums where you can find answers and ask your own: The MapInfo Pro Community on PB Knowledge Communities; The MapInfo-L on Google Groups.

MapInfo(V7.0) is the desktop mapping solution of choice for geoscientists. It is an intuitive and powerful application that can effectively display and analyze geological information, as well as facilitate effective output. MapInfo serves as the GIS engine and can be enhanced with several software add-ons which run exclusively with MapInfo (see below.)

MapInfo reads data from a variety of GIS, spreadsheet, and database sources, and can highlight previously unappreciated spatial relationships. Its querying capabilities are robust and easy to use. Version 6.5 offers more raster handling tools than ever before.

Mapinfo professional

For more information about MapInfo you can contact GeoMax, or link to the MapInfo site.

Mapinfo tools site seeing

Discover(V5.0, by Encom) is used with MapInfo and creates an 'all in one,' INTEGRATED GIS FOR EARTH SCIENCES. It allows efficient and effective creation, display and analysis of geological information, including, but not limited to:

Mapinfo Tools Site See
  • Scaled map production (titleblocks, grids, legends)
  • Geological annotation (faults, folds, structure symbols)
  • Map building utilities (attributed data entry, line smoothing, polygon building, standardized color and style libraries, geological symbols and patterns)
  • Coordinate transformations
  • Metadata tools (spatial cataloging, attributes, history)
  • Drillhole data (cross section, plan, log, downhole data displays, sectional resource calculator, data validation, compositing)
  • Enhanced Layer Control

For more information about MapInfo you can contact GeoMax, or link to the Encom site.

Geobasemap, a software suite produced by Exa-Min, allows standardization of data and provides a large geologic symbol and fill-pattern library. Other tools assist in creating topologically-correct data for sophisticated GIS database queries, create scale bars and map legends and provide 'shortcuts' to multi-step MapInfo functions. MapLinker is a powerful cataloging and hot linking utility that organizes live data locally and across an enterprise network and can link multiple file types to MapInfo objects.

For more information about Geobasemap you can contact GeoMax, or link to the ExaMin site.

Mapinfo Tools Site See In 1

Vertical Mapper(V3.0,by Northwood/Marconi) creates contours or grids from point data, and through shading and coloring produces images that clearly display the full range of your data. It is particularly helpful for displaying geochemical data, geophyscial data and topography. It converts multiple file formats with built-in utilities, does grid math, renders sun-shaded and 3D views of gridded data and allows draping of vector tables on grids, such as geological maps on topography, or stream sediment geochemistry on geophysical grids.

Mapinfo Tools Site See In Space

For more information about Vertical Mapper you can contact GeoMax, or link to the Northwood site.

Free Tools for MapInfo Professional®.

Mapinfo Tools Site Seen

Disclaimer: These programs are provided as is with no warranty or support available, unless stated otherwise during the installation. They are free for personal use.

Comments may be emailed to Spatial Projects

LayerOrder install package.

LayerOrder Documentation in PDF format (19 kb)
Download LayerOrder (30 kb) (Zip file)

spCarto install package. spCarto is now free use (personal and commercial).
MBTestBench install package.

MapInfo Window restore will restore your MI Pro window to the last used position and size: minimised, maximised or any specified position. Uses a small MapBasic application with an End Handler to write the last window position to a workspace. [This program could be modified to add a preferences dialogue and named restore positions. eg. 'dual screen', ...]

Zip file has a .mb, .mbx. Follow the instructions in MI_Window_Restore.mb to set up. Specifically, add the lines:

'Restore previous window settings ...
Run Application ProgramDirectory$() + 'Set_MI_Win.wor'

to the bottom of mapinfow.mnu or startup.wor and copy MI_Window_Restore.mbx to your mapinfow.exe install directory.

Download MI_Window_Restore v1.00 (0.3 mb) (Zip file)