Himalayan Blunder Kannada Pdf

This rather lengthy recount is one of the several significant botches recorded in John P Dalvi’s Himalayan Blunder. The book is a Manual of War Failure, recommended reading for everybody who wants to know why exactly India lost the 1962 war with China.It was banned almost immediately on its release, in 1969. User Review - Flag as inappropriate Bringing the real Indian Civil system anomalies in front of the readers eyes and the real bravery and courage possessed by a soldier on the other.The book is a real time account of what happened in the sino-indian war of 1962.How were all the protocols ignored only because of ignorance also the ill effects of making a wrong person sit on the vital posts. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. Himalayan Blunder: Himalayan Blunder. Yahtzee. World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the most. Himalayan Blunder Pdf donkeytime.org - Free Download Later, he completed his masters in History and Archaeology from Veerashaiva College. Personal life He has been married twice. His first wife is Lalitha and the second wife is Yashomati, who was his colleague at office. Ravi belagere himalayan blunder kannada.

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[This rather lengthy recount is one of the several significant botches recorded in John P Dalvi’s Himalayan Blunder. The book is a Manual of War Failure, recommended reading for everybody who wants to know why exactly India lost the 1962 war with China.
It was banned almost immediately on its release, in 1969. I read the abridged Kannada translation by Ravi Belagere. Which kind of struck me as funny. And unfortunate that I had to read a translated version because the original in English is banned. The excerpts I’ve quoted in this post are my (re)translatations from Kannada. Funny, isn’t it? Happens only in India. Source: The Rediscovery of India ]
Book Review: Himalayan Blunder
Havaldar Karam Singh and his 20-strong troop, doing their routine border patrolling rounds amid heavy snowfall. In an eyewink nine men in the patrol are buried dead under a hailstorm of bullets, and the rest including Karam Singh are taken prisoners. Courtesy the Chinese army. What stuns the Havaldar is not so much the unexpected onslaught as where it occurred: 40 kilometres right on this side of the border .
The Army Chief, General Thimmayya’s worst fears about China stood confirmed. When he confronted the powers that be and requested an immediate modernisation of the Armed Forces, and special attention to Chinese designs, V.K. Krishna Menon, the Defence Minister, analysed the problem differently. In his view, General Thimmayya was a soldier of the Raj era who was alarmed easily. Pakistan, not China was India’s “number one” enemy, he opined. The General’s response was interesting: I understand our Defence Minister’s perspective. I have regards for his ability but I’m aggrieved at his foolishness. One does not rank enemies as first, second and the rest. Perhaps, it is done in Communist politics; as an Army Chief, I do not rank enemies.
The General submitted his resignation when Menon’s interference breached tolerance. But a panic-stricken Nehru’s emotional entreaty charmed the General into withdrawing it. In Parliament however, Nehru rose in defence of Menon: I’ve spoken to General Thimmayya. He blows issues out of proportion. He has unnecessarily created a misunderstanding with Krishna Menon, a veteran diplomat. It is ridiculous to blame Menon for interference in the issue of promotions in the Armed Forces. Silly! I totally reject General Thimmayya’s allegations.
Himalayan Blunder
This rather lengthy recount is one of the several significant botches recorded in John P Dalvi’s Himalayan Blunder. The book is a Manual of War Failure, recommended reading for everybody who wants to know why exactly India lost the 1962 war with China.
Himalayan blunder kannada pdf book
It was banned almost immediately on its release, in 1969. I read the abridged Kannada translation by Ravi Belagere. Which kind of struck me as funny. And unfortunate that I had to read a translated version because the original in English is banned. The excerpts I’ve quoted in this post are my (re)translatations from Kannada. Funny, isn’t it? Happens only in India.
John Parashuram Dalvi was the Brigadier of the 7th Infantry formed to “fight” at the North-East Frontier Agency (NEFA), which is today’s Arunachal Pradesh and parts of Nagaland. His eyewitness account of the war, events that led to it, as well as his wonderful insights into the 1962 humiliation form Himalayan Blunder.
Dalvi recounts a chilling precursor to 1962. During his days in the Wellington Defence Services Staff College in 1950, he quotes a colleague and army veteran, Joe of British origin: Friends, leaders of your country have no foresight. They are mum about the Chinese invasion of Tibet. They don’t understand the reality that India’s backdoor has been broken down…. Boys! Take it from me. Some of you folks sitting here will fight with the Chinese army before you retire.
Foresight was least expected from Nehru who in those days hallucinated as the champion of world peace. Nehru’s stand on the invasion of Tibet was but a minor testimony to this: we don’t have any right to put our forces in Tibet irrespective of whether it is independent, or is part of China.
Starting around 1951, China began its silent preparations: it laid roads capable of transporting army vehicles (supporting something like 4 tonnes), made airstrips to land its combat aircraft, set up telephones and communication networks… In parallel, it began marching its troops into the region and even gobbled up parts of Aksai Chin territory belonging to India.
Meanwhile, Jawaharlal Nehru’s Hindi-Chini bhai bhai symphony had reached a crescendo. China played along–it had recently concluded a war with Korea and badly needed time and resources for what it had in mind.
Brigadier Dalvi narrates with heart-rending precision the betrayal of the political leadership at every step. However, the principal culprits responsible for our defeat stand out clearly: Jawaharlal Nehru, Krishna Menon, and General B.M. Kaul who Nehru had handpicked to lead the war efforts against China.
B.M. Kaul sitting in Delhi had no clue about the situation on the ground in Arunachal Pradesh. He had allowed himself to believe what–a mere month before the actual Chinese invasion–Nehru said: China is not a warmonger. They have a “minor border dispute” with us. Dhola Post was an unncessary outpost created at B.M. Kaul’s behest: it was an invitation to attack. Yet, on September 8 1962, when the first sparks of war flew, he was holidaying in Srinagar with his family. And he didn’t think it was important to cancel his vacation: after all, Pandit Nehru was abroad. B.M. Kaul finally landed at the spot on Oct 10, 1962. Says Dalvi,
We watched the platoon of Punjabis under Major Chaudary’s leadership march towards Yum Sola….General Kaul stood next to me, weighing the success of his first stratagem. The platoon’s strength including Major Chaudary was 51. They’d barely covered a few feet when the sky came apart. Around 800 Chinese, positioned at the bank of Nam ka Chu [river] and atop the Thagla mountain began showering bullets. The first round hurt Major Chaudary’s legs. The Punjabi Platoon retaliated furiously, and dismembered and wounded a few hundred Chinese. Six of our men died in the first round. But General Kaul’s enthusiasm didn’t wither. As our men readied themselves for the second round of assault, a huge swarm of Chinese troops descended. Major Chaudary yelled to General Kaul to save his men. Never the men to turn their back from battle, our Punjabi Platoon looked at us, helplessly. All of us, including General Kaul understood what that meant. Our men had run out of ammunition.
The courageous General who had roared reassuringly to the Indian public about teaching China a lesson, couldn’t stomach the reality he saw before him. Dalvi recounts Kaul’s true character.
My God! You’re right. China has prepared itself for a full-scale war. It’s each man for himself from now on. You’re in charge of your Brigade. This is not in my reach. Only a Brigadier can execute this kind of war.
And he turned and left, leaving Dalvi to helplessly watch the massacre of the whole platoon. Dalvi records several similar incidents where a grossly underprepared Indian army faced the Chinese who were superior to them in every single aspect. A most telling instance:
…. a soldier saluted me as I stepped into the bunker and said, “Sahib, look there! the enemy is on the opposite slope. They’re burning firewood to beat the cold.” I felt a slap of humiliation. This was one of the rare instances this happened in thousands of wars throughout history. Burning a fire at night is a sure invitation for the enemy to attack. But then, this enemy on the slopes of the Thagla mountain was confident: both of his strength and our sorry state. He knew for certain that we would not attack: we could not.
In his “final journey,” Dalvi pays pages of homage to every footsoldier, Major, signaller, Havaldar…small and big, who died defending the indefensible. And the reason? You can’t read this with a straight face:
The Chinese used the same war strategies in vogue for centuries but…. their guns were more modern, and their clothes were warmer than ours…. out there, away from the warm world, the October chill doesn’t descend from the skies; it climbs from the depths of the spinal cord. All our men had to wear were cotton clothes suited for summer, shoes which slide on snow… the only colour my men could see was the ash-white colour of death. A flash of sunlight was enough to blind them. This blindness caused several men to walk directly into the waiting arms of the enemy. My request for snow glasses was granted, all right, but when they arrived, the air-dropped bag dropped somewhere in the abyss-like crevices…
You need to read this book to believe the shamelessless of Nehru’s government, which failed to supply these unfortunate men with food. Towards the end, Dalvi and those that remained went without food for more than 48 hours.
We descended the Dhola mountain after the Chinese disappeared from sight. We gave up the final hope of even sighting a small tukdi (regiment) of our men. I descended rapidly out of a sheer will to live. The slope ended in a forest…the path was even tougher to navigate. Meanwhile, I had lost four of the eleven men following me. I reached a clearing, which then led to a small mud road. It was all over.
Dalvi had walked right into a full-fledged Chinese army camp. On October 22 1962, 9:22 A.M, John P. Dalvi was taken prisoner of war. He remained in Chinese custody from October 22 1962 till about May 1963. What’s more interesting is the aftermath.
We landed in Dum Dum airport in Calcutta on May 4 1963. We were received cordially, appropriately. But the silence there was disquieting. I realized later. We had to prove we weren’t brainwashed by Chinese ideology. We had to prove we were still loyal to India. My own army maintained a suspicious distance. The irony cannot be harsher: this treatment from a country, which for more than a decade had brainwashed itself into holding the Chinese baton wherever it went.
It is more apt to call the Indo-China War as the Battle of Thagla, the altar where Pandit Nehru sacrificed hundreds of unprepared, ill-equipped, and underfed Indian soldiers as the price of his ineptitude.
Small wonder, the book is banned in India. I wager that even if it was not banned, we’d never learn because Himalayan Blunder has simply proven its contemporary relevance in the sense of history repeating itself: notice today’s Chinese cheerleaders who occupy disproportionate clout in the UPA government. Yet none of us seem to pay heed to their misdeeds–from escalated Naxalism/Maoism to their shenanigans in Nepal.
By the way, the Battle of Thagla began on October 20, 1962 and lasted just over 3 hours, between 5 A.M and 8 A.M. An entire brigade was massacred.

See: The Famous Himalayan Blunder Download naruto vs pain full fight.

The Himalayan Blunder…
BlunderThis book was originally written by brigadier Jhon.P.Dhalavi, unfortunately I didn’t had the chance of reading this original book, as it was banned by then congress government for there political reasons.
But I did have a chance of reading this book, a translated version by Ravi Belagare(Kannada).
BookAs I read this book, my hate rate against these politicians grew by one more inch, and how can I bring out my frustration.? There was one way for me, i.e. to write a post on it, and let the reader know about this.
The author tells the facts which was suppressed by the politicians. This book is a war report, telling the story of the facts which led to indo-Sino war, and the reasons behind our defeat.
Indo-Sino war remains as a black spot in our glorious history, and yet the people responsible for it are treated as great Heros of our country, will mother India ever forgive these so called (un)great people….?
Here is the list of persons who are responsible for our defeat in indo-Sino war.
1>Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru (Prime Minister of India)
2> A.C Menon (Defense Minister).
3> Thapar (Army Chief).
In 1950 , India and china signed a “Pansheela” Treaty, and accordingly agreed that no one will initiate the war against each other, with it came the saying Hindi-Chini Bhai-Bhai.(हिंदी चीनी भाई-भाई ),it was this treaty which china utilized to break the back door of India, by attacking the NFEA border and taking most part of it.
This war didn’t happen in a day, it took complete 10 years for them to plan this attack, and what were our politicians doing all these years…?.As china was getting prepared for this war, were they sleeping.?.
No they didn’t, they had complete information about Chinese preparation, but still they didn’t take any action, why so? its because they had a blind trust on “Pansheela” treaty.
When china attacked Tibet in 1950, it was the right time for Indian politicians to open there eyes and see what is happening in its border, but they didn’t, they took this matter as an internal mater of china, and ironically china used Tibet as there war base in Indo-Sino war.
When china attacked Tibet, India could (Should) have attacked china and get them out of Tibet, but they failed to do so. In fact that was the right time to attack, as china was still recovering from China-Korea war, were they suffered heavy losses.

Himalayan Blunder Kannada Pdf Free

China constructed war bunkers, well established communications lines, roads along the border lines of Tibet, this was a clear indication that china was preparing for something, something very big, but still these politicians were more interested to grow as a international hero at the cost of there county.
Ironically when the first spark of the war started, our leaders were on there foreign trips, on big podiums, giving big speeches, and trying to grow as international leaders, what an irony…?Pdf
He didn’t have warm cloths, snow shoes and not even enough artillery; he was just left at the mercy of Chinese. This was the state of the Indian soldier, fighting for the pride of India. Who was responsible for this? It was these leaders.
Government funds were diverted to other projects, and the army needs were just not considered, they just thought that it was unnecessary to spend on army needs, how can a country develop without having a strong border gates…?.
Wrong decisions were taken at wrong moments….
Forward policy was a classic example for this; this policy was brought into act by then congress government. This policy was all about establishing forward post along the NFEA Border, this was the death blow for Indian army, and this was the spark which triggered the fire of Indo-Sino war.

Himalayan Blunder Kannada Pdf Book

Around 1500 army persons died, they didn’t event get a proper cremation, there was no one to cry for them.

Himalayan Blunder Kannada Pdf Download

Who was responsible for all this…? , yes it was our then PM and his ministers….

Himalayan Blunder Kannada Book Pdf Free Download

It’s no difference then and now, we have same breed of politicians, who always bring wrong policies just to keep some set of people happy, no matter if it’s at the cost of our country.