Convert Chk File To Jpg Software

CHK files are fragmented files produced by Chkdsk or Scandisk in Windows to save corrupted data. If you get lots of .chk files in found.000 folder, here are four how to recover CHK files by using manual methods, CMD command, professional CHK file recovery full version software, and tools.

What Is a .chk File

Double-click to open, type ren.chk.jpg, and save. If the original file extension of the chk file is.png,.mp3, or other formats, replace.jpg with the desired extension. Change the.txt suffix to.bat. Copy the.bat file to Found.000 folder. Double-click to run the.bat file. Start reaConverter and load all the.stp files you intend to convert into.jpg because, as opposed to most free online converters, reaConverter supports batch conversion. So you can save the time and energy you would lose with doing repetitive operations. Convert Chk File To Jpg Software Free 8,0/10 6920 reviews Recover contents from.CHK files - FREEWARE: Did you ever wonder if there was something useful in those filexxxx.chk files? Did Scandisk or Chkdsk convert your.

A CHK file is verified as fragments of corrupted files, data, images or other documents with .chk file extension on Windows computer. Usually, CHK files are generated by the Windows system due to hard drive or storage device corruption, interrupted file transferring, improper operations, virus infection, etc.

When the Windows system notices a problem with a file system on a hard drive or storage device, it would automatically run Check Disk to fix the file system. After this, Windows would create a Found.000 folder, saving all fragments of corrupted data and files as CHK files there.

Can I Delete CHK Files

Yes. Mostly, the FOUND.000 folder with .chk files is saved on the save device where the error occurred. For example, if you met a problem while transferring files from USB to your computer, you may find a Found.000 folder with CHK files. If you find CHK files appear on your system drive, it may contain some file fragments recovered from the C: drive.

Note that sometimes, the CHK files may get hidden. You can use Windows File Explorer to show hidden files and delete these CHK files visible.

However, we'd like to remind you to be careful if you plan to delete the CHK files. If your files and data are secure, you may delete them from your device. If your files are lost, only these CHK files exist on your drive, don't delete them.

How Can I Perform CHK File Recovery(4 Methods Available)

If you are having the same question about how to restore CHK files on your devices, stay here. Four reliable methods are available here, and you may check any method as a guide to help you restore data from .CHK files.

# 1. Use File Recovery Software to Recover Deleted Chk Files

Applies to: all levels of usersi

If you mistakenly deleted CHK files, or only have CHK files left on your device, reliable file recovery software can be your best shot. Here, EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard with its raw recovery can automatically help you recover deleted CHK files with simple clicks.

Don't save any new files to your drive and follow steps below to bring your files back:

Step 1. Select the drive to scan

Select the Recycle Bin, a device, or a drive, then click the 'Scan' button to start looking for deleted files on Windows 10/8/7.

Step 2. Check the results

When the scan completes, you can apply the 'Filter' feature or click the 'Search files or folders' button to quickly find the deleted files.

Step 3. Recover deleted files

Click the 'Recover' button to restore deleted files in Windows 10/8/7.

# 2. UnCHK Is a Free Tool for Chk File Recovery

Applies to: all levels of users

Third-party tools like UnCHK can help you open a CHK file and recover lost files in an easy way. UnCHK is a free tool that can examine the contents of the CHK files and determine if the contents are known to file types such as audio files, video, images, archives, executable files, and documents. It also works to restore partial files from the CHK files.

Steps to recover CHK files and data with UnCHK:

Step 1. Run UnCHK and choose the directory where the CHK files are and a destination directory.

Step 2. Choose your scan option - Whole files, Embedded files, Floppy disk, Hard drive, Keep a log, and click 'OK' to confirm.

  • Whole Files will look at each file and check for a recognized signature.
  • Embedded Files can pull objects like images from inside the CHK files.
  • Floppy/Hard drive can check for cross-linking in the files.

Usually, we suggest you scan 'Whole files' on your device.

# 3. Run CMD to Change Chk File Extensions

Applies to: experienced computer users

Convert Chk File To Jpg Software

For experienced administrators, some of you may apply CMD command to change CHK file extensions on your device, reverting all CHK files on your device to a recognizable format.

Note that if this method will change all existing CHK files to the same format at the same time. In other words, if the files saved on your drive share the same file system, try the following steps to restore your files from CHK files:

Convert Chk File To Jpg Software Online

Step 1.Right-click on the Start menu and select search, type: command prompt.

Right-click onCommand Prompt and select 'Open as Administrator'.

Step 2. Type: cd/ and hit Enter.

  • cd stands for change directory.
  • / means to change the root directory.

Step 3. Input the drive letter where your CHK files were or the Found.000 folder is and hit Enter.

Such as:e: and hit Enter.

Step 4. Type: cd Found.000 and hit Enter. (Found.000 stands for the folder where chk files are in.)

Step 5. Type: ren *.chk *.mov

If you need to change chk files to other formats, change movto other file extensions, such as .doc, .xls, .png, .mp4, etc.

When the process finishes, you may check files in the Found.000 folder and some of them may be available for you to reuse again.

# 4. Manually Change CHK Extension and Restore Files

Applies to: all levels of users, change single chk files to the original file extension.

If you have saved multiple types of files on your drive, and all of them are now .chk extension. Don't worry. As long as you remember the original formats of these files, you can follow steps here to manually change CHK file extension and restore them:

Step 1. Create a text document on your computer.

Step 2. Double-click to open, type ren *.chk *.jpg, and save.

If the original file extension of the chk file is .png, .mp3, or other formats, replace .jpg with the desired extension.

Step 3. Change the .txt suffix to .bat.

Step 4. Copy the .bat file to Found.000 folder. Double-click to run the .bat file.

Then, the .chk files will be converted to .jpg or other types of files.

After this, you can open the Found.000 folder to check and reuse the restored files again.


This page explains what is CHK file, the causes of CHK files, when can you delete the CHK files and how to restore CHK files back to the normal state.

If you have further problems with the CHK file recovery full version or need a better method to detect whether existing CHK files are recoverable, you may send email our data recovery experts and customize a manual data recovery service via [email protected]


You may also check below CHK FAQs to find more answers.

1. What is a CHK file?

Chk files are fragmented files and corrupted data, which are produced when the process of writing files into a volume is stopped in the middle or when files are not saved before the sudden shutdown of your PC. While Found.000 folderis created by Windows built-in chkdsk (check disk) containing all chk files (fragmented files) into this folder.

2. How do I restore a found 000 file?

There are four ways to restore a found 000 chk files.

1. Try reliable file recovery software

2. Use UnCHK or other tools

3. Run CMD to change CHK file extensions

4. Manually change CHK extension and restore files

3. Can I delete CHK files?

Yes, you can safely deleteCHK files, they are actually leftover remnants that SCANDISK deleted for you. As long as your computer is working fine and there are no hard drive problems where you might actually want to recover some data from them, then you can delete them.

4. How do I access found 000 folder?

Found.000 folder is created by Windows to contain chk files. The folder is hidden by default. You need to enable 'Show hidden files, folders, and drives' in 'View' on the top of File Explorer to show and access this folder.

5. How do I restore files from Found.000 folder?

If some of you are having the same issue, follow the provided 4 methods - file recovery software, UnCHK, CMD and manually change CHK file extension above on this page can help you out. Or, you may also refer to this link to check more details on How to Recover Files from Found.000 folder.

6. What do I do with CHK files?

When you find CHK files existing on your hard drive or external storage devices, you may first check if the saved files on your device are still there, securely saved with no damage.

If yes, you may delete them directly.

If no, you will need to use a reliable file recovery software like EaseUSData Recovery Wizard or CHK recovery tool as recommended on this page to help you bring the lost files back immediately.

7. How do I prevent files and data from turning into CHK?

The best way to protect your files from turning into CHK is to create a backup on another secure device. You may create a copy of all these files to another secure device.

Convert Chk File To Jpg Software Windows 10

Here is a list of other tips you may apply to prevent files from turning into CHK:

Convert Chk File To Jpg Software Free

  • Run virus cleaner regularly on your device.
  • Be careful with all the operations on your device, especially for file transferring.
  • Stay with a stable Windows system on your computer.